The report focuses on: (i) a proposed policy-based loan, and (ii) a proposed loan to the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Third Education Sector Development Program. The Government of Cambodia is highly committed to accelerating progress toward achieving quality basic education and realizing the goals of the Education for All National Plan, 2003-2015. The Education Strategic Plan, 2009-2013 guides all education development in Cambodia. The program involves a program-based approach in coordination with other development partners to meet the objectives of the Education Strategic Plan. It supports strengthening of the basic education system (grades 1-9), in particular the lower secondary sub-sector (grades 7-9), through (i) expanded access to lower secondary education, (ii) improved quality of lower secondary education, and (iii) improved sub-sector management. It builds on previous support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), including the Second Education Sector Development Program and the Enhancing Education Quality Project.
The scope is nationwide and project interventions will be focused in the Tonle Sap region and border provinces |