Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Perception and Actual Use from Cambodian EFL Student

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Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Perception and Actual Use from Cambodian EFL Student

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Title: Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Perception and Actual Use from Cambodian EFL Student
Author: Bin, Sopheakda
Abstract: The purpose of this study was carried out to investigate the students' perceptions and their actual use of strategies...As a result of this study, it is strongly suggested that teachers should make learners aware of their own responsibility in vocabulary learning and expose them to different approaches and strategies in enhancing vocabulary acquisition.
Description: The document is available in the Education Resource Center (ERC) at the Hun Sen Library of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/752
Date: 2016-02

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