Reading behaviors of Grade 10 students in Saang District, Kandal Province

RUPP Institutional Repository

Reading behaviors of Grade 10 students in Saang District, Kandal Province

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Title: Reading behaviors of Grade 10 students in Saang District, Kandal Province
Author: An, Sophorn
Abstract: A research study about reading behaviors of Grade 10 students in Saang District, Kandal Province was aimed to explore the reading behaviors of grade 10 students and to examine the relationship between the reading behaviors and the scores of their semester/examination...They can try different way of reading source such as e-books, or websites and can read via laptop, smart phones or Ipad/Tablet instead of books. So make use of your possesion to gain knowledge.
Description: The document is available in the Education Resource Center (ERC) at the Hun Sen Library of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP).
Date: 2017-02

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